pp108 : Using Inbox as a Composite Control

Using Inbox as a Composite Control

This topic describes the procedure to use Inbox as a Composite Control.

Before you begin this task: Ensure that the Inbox composite control that you want to refer is available in run time. Also, check if you have adequate permissions to access it and create the reference.

The Inbox composite control is used to display the Inbox in an XForm. This control enables you to display the tasks that are retreived either from specific targets, sources, or instances of a source.

  1. In the Workspace Documents (Explorer), open <solution>, right-click <project> or <folder> and select Add Runtime Reference > Other. The New Runtime Reference dialog box appears, displaying all the runtime documents.
  2. Select Composite Control. The Untitled Composite Control - Composite Control wizard appears.
  3. Expand Cordys Notification folder, select InboxView and click Next. The next screen of the window appears with the details of the Composite Control run-time document.
  4. Provide additional details in the Additional Instructions box to install the run-time reference, and click Finish. The Inbox composite control is displayed in the specified location.
  5. Drag the Inbox composite control from the Workspace Documents window to an XForm. The composite control is displayed on the XForm.
  6. Double-click the Inbox control to set its properties. A Properties sheet is displayed on the right.
  7. Set the properties of the Inbox composite control in the Properties sheet as required. The properties associated with the Inbox control and their descriptions are provided below:
    Table 1. List of Properties
    Property Description
    ID Provide the string that identifies the control on an XForm. If not specified, a unique ID is automatically generated.
    Target type Target type can be a
    • role
    • team
    • worklist
    • user
    • Target - Based on the target type selected, provide the relevant target that should be displayed in the Inbox control. If the target type is
      • role - Provide the DN of the role
      • team - Provide the ID of the Organizational Unit.
      • worklist - Provide the ID of the work list
      • user - Provide the DN of the user.

    The Inbox composite control that has the default representation based on the parameter you selected is added to the XForm.

    Message mapping can be done between the Inbox composite control and various composite controls on the XForm to pass parameters, based on which the rendered Web page gets updated. For more information on the message map parameters that can be used, see Inbox API.